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Getting Started


There are no prerequisites or dependencies. All you need is a C compiler. Here’s how you can compile WCPL on a Unix box; instructions for other systems/compilers are similar:

cc -o wcpl [wcpl].c 


Libraries already implemented

  • <assert.h> (C90, header only)
  • <ctype.h> (C90)
  • <errno.h> (C90 + full WASI error list)
  • <fenv.h> (with WASM limitations)
  • <float.h> (C90, header only)
  • <inttypes.h> (C99, header only)
  • <limits.h> (C90, header only)
  • <stdarg.h> (C90, header only)
  • <stdbool.h> (C99, header only)
  • <stddef.h> (C90, header only)
  • <stdint.h> (C99, header only)
  • <stdio.h> (C90, abridged: no gets, tmpfile, tmpnam)
  • <stdlib.h> (C90, abridged: no system)
  • <string.h> (C90 + some POSIX-like extras)
  • <math.h> (C90 + some C99 extras)
  • <time.h> (C90 + some POSIX-like extras)
  • <locale.h> (stub to allow setting utf8 locale)
  • <sys/types.h> (header only, internal)
  • <sys/cdefs.h> (header only, internal)
  • <sys/intrs.h> (header only, internal – WASM intrinsics)
  • <sys/stat.h> (POSIX-like, abridged)
  • <fcntl.h> (POSIX-like, abridged)
  • <dirent.h> (POSIX-like, abridged)
  • <unistd.h> (POSIX-like, abridged)
  • <wasi/api.h> (header only, implemented by host)

Libaries that won’t be supported

  • <setjmp.h> (no support in WASM)
  • <signal.h> (no support in WASI)


WCPL treats each source file and header file as a module with a separate namespace. The name of the module is derived from the name of the file, so if a source file is named foo.c, its header file should be named foo.h; both will contribute to module named foo. If needed, the name of the module can be specified directly via #pragma module directive. Please note that module names only affect internal naming scheme used by the linker; #include directives have to use actual header file names (slashes in include file names are replaced by dots, so #include <sys/etc.h> will look for a file named sys.etc.h). In separate compilation scenario, each source module is compiled to a single object module as described below.

Compilation environment

  • object modules can have the following extensions: .o, .wo
  • system object modules are looked up in library directories specified via -L option and WCPL_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
  • system headers included as #include <foo> can have the following extensions: (none), .h, .wh
  • system headers are looked up in directories given via -I option and WCPL_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable
  • also, system headers are looked up in include sub-directories of library directories as specified above
  • all bundled libraries (see lib folder) are embedded inside the executable, so they need no -L/-I options
  • embedded library files are logged as belonging to res:// pseudo-directory (a compressed archive inside l.c)
  • user headers included as #include "foo" can have the following extensions: (none), .h, .wh
  • user headers are looked up first in current directory, then in system directories as stated above
  • user object modules should be provided explicitly as command line arguments
  • lookup directories should end in separator char (/ on Un*x, \ on Windows), file name is just appended to it


There are two modes of operation: compiling a single file to object file and compiling and linking a set of source and/or object files into an executable file.

Single-file compilation

wcpl -c -o infile.wo infile.c 

If -o option is not specified, output goes to standard output. WCPL uses extended WAT format with symbolic identifiers in place of indices as object file format using symbolic names for relocatable constants. This way, no custom sections or relocation tables are needed.

Compilation and linking

wcpl -o out.wasm infile1.c infile2.c infile3.wo ...

Any mix of source and object files can be given; one of the input files should contain implementation of the main() procedure. Library dependences are automatically loaded and used. If -o file name argument ends in .wasm, linker’s output will be a WASM binary; otherwise, the output is in a regular WAT format with no extensions.

Running executables

WCPL can produce executables in both WASM and WAT format. Some WASM runtimes such as wasmtime* allow running WAT files directly and provide better disgnostics this way, e.g. symbolic stack traces; for others, WASM format should be used. Please note that WAT files may be easily converted to WASM format with wat2wasm** or similar tools.

Please read the documentation on your WASM runtime for details on directory/environment mapping and passing command line arguments.

Profiling executables

WCPL’s executables in WAT format can be profiled via Intel’s vtune profiler while running under wasmtime* runtime with --vtune option. Runtime statistics is dispayed in terms of the original WCPL functions, so hotspots in WCPL code can be identified.

Additional optimizations

WASM executables produced by WCPL are quite small but not as fast as ones produced by industry-scale optimizing compilers such as clang. As a rule, executables produced by WCPL are about as fast as the ones produced by clang’s -O0 mode. Fortunately, some advanced optimizations can be applied to WASM output post-factum. One tool that can be used for this purpose is wasm-opt from bynaryen*** project:

$ wcpl -o foo.wasm foo.c
$ wasm-opt -o foo-opt.wasm -O3 foo.wasm


Starting with version 1.0, WCPL can compile its own source code and the resulting WASM executable produces the same results as the original. Example session using wasmtime* runtime may look something like this:

$ cc -o wcpl [wcpl].c
$ ./wcpl -q -o wcpl.wasm [wcpl].c
$ wasmtime --dir=. -- wcpl.wasm -q -o wcpl1.wasm [wcpl].c
$ diff -s wcpl.wasm wcpl1.wasm
Files wcpl.wasm and wcpl1.wasm are identical

* available at

** available at

*** available at